FTSE 350 Companies Excel Download – Top 350 UK Companies 2021

Top 350 UK Companies – Excel Spreadsheet

Download: FTSE 350 Companies – Excel file with the Top 350 UK companies data

Browse, filter, and use data easily on the Top 350 companies listed in the United Kingdom, constituents of the FTSE 350 index (aggregate of FTSE 100 companies and FTSE 250 companies). Get all the information on top companies in key UK indices: FTSE 100, FTSE 250, and FTSE 350.

Download description

This Excel file contains 2 actionable spreadsheets:

1. The main list of FTSE 350 companies Excel spreadsheet contains all the key data on each company. These top 350 largest public listed companies by market capitalization in the United Kingdom, constituents of the FTSE 350 Index (formed from the complete FTSE 100 companies list and FTSE 250 companies list), are detailed with extensive business, market, financial, and digital information.

Newer data available for 2024

This file contains 2021 data. If you are looking for fresher data, there is an updated and expanded version of this file available here.

The entire FTSE 350 companies list, and their related data, can easily be browsed and filtered according to your specific purposes: grouping by sectors/industries, ranking by market capitalization, sorting websites, etc.Excel spreadsheet on laptop in 3D

The main spreadsheet contains information on the FTSE 350 companies listed on the London Stock Exchange and their related data. The FTSE 350 index aggregates the top 100 largest companies by market capitalization (FTSE 100 companies: UK blue-chip benchmark index), and the following 250 largest companies (FTSE 250 companies: UK mid-cap companies index). Together, they form the FTSE 350 index, which regroups the top 350 largest companies by market capitalization listed on the London Stock Exchange.

2. The new, extra spreadsheet includes the stock prices of the entire FTSE 350 list for 2018, 2019, and 2020. With the prices of all FTSE 350 companies’ stock at the end of each month from December 2017 to December 2020, this second Excel spreadsheet will greatly help you assess the financial health and evolution of each company, providing new opportunities to analyze data, calculate correlations between stocks, estimate seasonality, cross analyze stocks by industry, sector, or even arbitrary batches.

✅ Key benefits from the FTSE 350 Companies Excel Download [Top 350 UK Companies]

  • Quickly browse and filter the companies’ information in a single convenient Excel file for multiple purposes, including:
    • corporate benchmarking for marketing, finance, and investment
    • searching and filtering companies for informed lead generation
    • quickly reaching companies’ websites and online presence in bulk
    • using stocks data to perform cross-stocks analysis, statistics, and machine learning for financial and investment insights
  • Keep all the information readily available on your computer at any time, even offline.
  • Easily use the companies’ data in other applications and programs thanks to a standard Excel file (.xls/.xlsx).
  • Save tens of hours of companies’ information search, collection, and formatting in one convenient Excel file.
  • Use data to boost your productivity and discover decisive insights, NOW!

Featured Review

Karen Wilson – Senior Manager, Consulting & Audit


This is the most complete list of FTSE 350 companies available online. Thanks to descriptions and website links, it really does make me and my team save a lot of time. We can find companies by industry and tailor our outreach for tens of companies at a time. Super useful. Cheers.
Free sample

Top 350 UK Companies spreadsheet sampleTo let you know exactly what the FTSE 350 Companies spreadsheet contains, you can here download a free sample. This extract includes the first 10 companies with all the data available for these companies, together with the explanatory notes of the description spreadsheet. For more information about each column data, please see below.


Want data on more UK companies?

Check our new 2021 downloads regrouping lots of business, market, financial and digital data on the largest public listed companies in the United Kingdom.

Top 600 UK Companies [FTSE All-Share] – Excel Download
Top 700 Small-Cap UK Companies [FTSE AIM All-Share] – Excel Download
Top 1300 UK Companies [FTSE All-Share + FTSE AIM All-Share] – Excel Download

Save $14.90!

Details of the main FTSE 350 companies list Excel spreadsheet data

Here is a presentation of all the information included in each of the 43 columns of the main FTSE 350 Companies XLS spreadsheet. This detailed data can be sorted and filtered according to each column with a filter button present in the right of the columns’ headings cells.

sorting FTSE 350 Companies

All data included in the main spreadsheet are updated as of February 26, 2021.

▪ Company

Official company name. Certain companies are included multiple times when they have multiple securities listed on the London Stock Exchange and included in key UK stock indices.

▪ Ticker

Stock ticker of the company. Companies with multiple stocks listed also have multiple, different tickers, one for each kind of stock.

▪ Sector

Main economic sector of the company.

▪ Industry

Main industry of the company.

▪ Country

Country of the main headquarter of the company. Some companies headquartered abroad have stocks listed on the London Stock Exchange, and are therefore included in this document.

▪ City

City of the main headquarter of the company.

▪ State

State code of the main headquarter of the company, when they are headquartered in the United States, or province codes for companies headquartered in Canada and Australia.

▪ Website

URL of the company’s main corporate website with a direct link.

▪ Market Cap. (and Mcap. Currency)

Market capitalization of the company in British £ (GBP), as of effective close on Friday, February 26, 2021. Companies with multiple securities quoted may present a discrepancy between their valuation according to each security.

▪ Products & Services

Main products and/or services of the company.

▪ Logo URL

URL with direct link to the logo of the company on Clearbit.

▪ Foundation

Date or year of the foundation of the company, and age of the company, when available. Some companies have more information included on their founding companies, renaming, key mergers, etc.

▪ Founder(s)

Company’s founder(s).

▪ Key People

Leaders of the company with their title.

▪ Employees

Total number of full-time employees in the company.

▪ Social media profile URL with direct links (1 column per network)

      • Facebook
      • Twitter
      • Linkedin

▪ Security Name

Name of the listed security of the company. Companies with multiple stocks listed have different security names, usually according to the different classes of stocks available. Each security corresponds to a single ticker previously listed.

▪ Stock Market

Code of the stock market where the security is listed, as follows:

      • LSE: London Stock Exchange – Main Market
      • N/A: Not available at time of creation

▪ Indices (1 column per index)

Key British indices in which the stock is included. Multiple stocks from a single company are independent in their integration or not in any stock index, depending on each stock index selection criteria.

    • FTSE 100 / FTSE 250: The FTSE 100 index includes the 100 largest companies by market capitalization listed on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange. The FTSE 250 includes the next 250 largest companies by market capitalization (mid-cap companies) listed on the Main Market of the LSE. Both indices include selected companies as last defined on 19 Feb 2021 by FTSE Russell.
    • FTSE 350: The FTSE 350 index regroups companies included in the FTSE 100 and FTSE 250 indices.
    • FTSE All-Share: The FTSE All-Share is the aggregation of the 350 largest companies from the FTSE 350 (FTSE 100 + FTSE 250) and the smaller capitalization companies in the FTSE Small Cap index (not included in this file). Together they form the broad FTSE All-Share index, regrouping more than 600 companies, as last defined on 19 Feb 2021 by FTSE Russell.

▪ Stock info

URL of the company’s official security information with direct link to its profile on the London Stock Exchange.

▪ Yahoo Finance profile

URL of the company/security profile on Yahoo Finance with a direct link.

▪ Total assets

Latest figure for total assets of the company recorded on Wikipedia, with the corresponding year.

▪ Total equity

Latest figure for total equity of the company recorded on Wikipedia, with the corresponding year.

▪ Revenue

Latest revenue result of the company recorded on Wikipedia, with the corresponding year.

▪ Operating income

Latest operating income result of the company recorded on Wikipedia, with the corresponding year.

▪ Net income

Latest net income result of the company recorded on Wikipedia, with the corresponding year.

▪ Other Listings (1 column per extra listing)

Other stock exchanges and ticker of the company’s stock when it is also listed outside of the London Stock Exchange. Foreign stock exchanges are references with their identifying letters, together with the security’s ticker on this exchange, while over-the-counter securities are listed with OTC or OTCQX.

▪ Address, Zip, Phone, Fax (1 per column)

Address of the company, which sometimes includes secondary info in the column “Address (line 2)”, Zip code, Phone number, and Fax number are also mentioned, each in their own column.

▪ Wikipedia URL

URL with direct link to the company’s main page on Wikipedia.

▪ Description

Succinct description of the company’s activities, retrieved from the introduction of the main Wikipedia page of the company.

▪ Notes

Notes on some companies with missing data, or special listings. These notes mostly highlight companies that have been acquired by others since the last inscription in a specific index.

“N/A” or blank cell: data not available at the time of the creation.

For a complete preview, download the free spreadsheet sample.

Download technical details

  • XLS iconType: Excel file (.xlsx/.xls)
  • Size: 375 Ko
  • Spreadsheets: 3
    • 1 sheet containing the FTSE 350 Companies 2021 information with filters
    • 1 sheet containing the FTSE 350 Companies stock prices at the end of each month of 2018, 2019, and 2021 with filters
    • 1 sheet with the detailed description of the data included in the 2 other spreadsheets
  • Author/Editor: Disfold